13 February 2010

ash tisdale is the third duff sister

Haylie Duff y Ashley Tisdale tras ir al gym juntas, son tan buenas amigas que parece ser que fueron operadas por el mismo cirujano, miren sus narices, son idénticas!

La verdad que Haylie se parece más ahora a Ash que a su propia hermana Hilary...


Haylie Duff and Ashley Tisdale after going to the gym together, they're such good friends that it seems that the had surgery done by the same surgeon, look at their noses, they are indentical!

Really, Haylie looks like more like Ash now than like her sister Hilary...

1 comment:

TFP said...

Pero Hilary se opero tb la nariz!! pensaba que solo fue su hermana

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