29 April 2010

katy perry's messy maid of honor

Linds y Katy Perry cuando coincidieron en el fesival Coachella. Al parecer ellas estuvieron haciendo broma y riéndose un rato las dos, Katy, quien está planeando su boda con su novio, le dijo a Lilo que ella sería su dama de honor perfecta pero antes de que se diera cuenta, Lindsay estaba emocionada contándole a todo el mundo que no podía esperar a ser su dama de honor y que estaba emocionada por ser parte de la boda, mientas Katy no sabía qué decir o dónde mirar...

Pobre Linds, esperemos que a estas alturas se haya dado cuenta de que era broma porque sino me temo que se presentará en la boda de Katy dispuesta a serlo!


Linds and Katy Perry when they met at the Coachella Festival. Apparently they were both joking and laughing when Katy, who's planning her wedding with her boyfriend, told Lilo that she would make her perfect maid fo honor and before she knew it, Lindsay was thrilled telling everyone that she couldn't wait to be her maid of honor and that she was really excited to be part of the wedding, while Katy didn't know what to say or where to look at...

Poor Lins, let's hope that at this point she has realised it was a joke because if not I'm afraid she will present herself on Katy's wedding day ready to do it!

1 comment:

TFP said...

Jaja tambien Katy podia no haberle dicho nada, jeje.besos

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