17 May 2010

amanda seyfried has one classy tattoo

La actriz de 'Mamma Mia!' Amanda Seyfried ha explicado el tatuaje que tiene en su pié con la palabra "minge":

"Significa vagina y estoy algo orgullosa de ello. Es mi mote. No puedes verlo pero se llama Minge y es slandg de Inglaterra. Tiene algo que ver con tu vello púbico dice en el diccionario".

Pues vaya un mote... no sé qué es peor, quien le puso ese mote o que ella se lo tatuase.


'Mamma Mia!'´s actress Amanda Seyfried has explained the tattoo she has on her foot with the word "minge":

"It means vagina and kind of proud of it. It's my nickname. You can't see it, but it's called Minge and it's slang in England. It has something to do with your pubic hair in the dictionary."

What a nickname... I don't know what is worse, the person who put her that nickname or that she has it tattoed.

1 comment:

TFP said...

Pero como se tatua eso? jaja esta fatal esta chica. besos

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