11 July 2010

at least ke$ha is not a disney chick

Ha salido una foto de la cantante Ke$ha en la que se la ve cubriéndose sus pechos y con semen encima, aqui tienen la pic: http://i25.tinypic.com/14wqfs2.jpg

Su representante ha dicho que no es ella en la foto pero tiene la misma cara y parece ser que la foto la ha sacado DJ Stolen, un tipo con el que ella estuvo, así que parece que es verdad que es ella. Esque no aprenden estas chicas? Qué creen, es Ke$ha o no lo és?


There has surfaced a pic of singer Ke$ha where she is covering her breasts and covered in semen, here you have it: http://i25.tinypic.com/14wqfs2.jpg

Her rep has said that it's not her on the pic but she's got the same face and it seems that the pic was leaked by DJ Stolen, a guy she was with, so it seems that it's true that it's her. Don't these girls ever learn? What do you think, it's Ke$ha or not?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, it is kesha...who?

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