10 September 2010

k-fed is not that bad

Brit con sus nenes. Ella es notícia ya que un antiguo guardaespaldas la acusa de acosarlo sexualmente y de haber visto como ella mantenía relaciones sexuales enfrente de sus hijos.

Britney ya ha negado todo esto e incluso su ex marido y padres de los nenes Kevin Federline, ha dicho que todo esto ha sido inventado por razones económicas y que no se cree nada.

Es una pena que siempre se intenten aprovechar o decir cualquier cosa de Brit pero que bueno que K-Fed esté de su parte, si al final él no va a ser tan malo como parecía...


Brit with her kids. She's in the news because a former bodyguard is accusing her of sexual harassment and that she saw how she had sex acts in presence of her children.

Britney has already denied everything and even her ex-husband Kevin Ferderline has said that all this has been fabricated for economic motives and that he doesn't believe a thing.

It's a shame that people are always trying to get advance or saying anything about Brit but it's nice that K-Fed is on her side, he ain't that baf as it seemed, isn't he?


TFP said...

Pobre Brit, siempre intentan aprobecharse mintiendo sobre ella. besos

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