15 September 2010

kate totally knows how to treat hot guys

Una foto de Kate Bosworth y el vampiro de 'True Blood' Alexander Skarsgard.

Ellos llevan saliendo menos de un año pero al parecer ella le ha puesto los cuernos! Parece ser que Kate, no se tomó muy bien la notícia de que su ex-novio Orlando Bloom se casara con la modelo Miranda Kerr con quien está esperando un hijo, y por ello Kate se lió con otro ex-novio suyo por lo disgustada que estaba.

Y no sólo eso, ahora se rumorea que Kate ha dejado a Alexander porque él no quería comprometerse aún, pero qué le pasa a esta chica? no sabe que así no se trata a uno de los vampiros más hot que hay?


A pic of Kate Bosworth and 'True Blood's vampire Alexander Skarsgard.

They have been dating for less than a year but it seems that she has cheated on him! Apparently, she didn't take too well the news of her ex-boyfriend Orlando Bloom marrying model Miranda Kerr who's expecting his child and because of that Kate hooked up with a former flame after being so upset.

And there's more, there are rumours now that she has dumped Alexander because he didn't want to settle down yet, what is wrong with this girl? doesn't she know that you don't treat one of the hottest cvampires like that?

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