19 November 2008

paris is free!

Paris y Benji... han roto!

Una concursante del reality de Paris lo ha confirmado:

"Tristemente, es verdad. Paris y Benji han roto. Quiero a Paris y sólo quiero que sea feliz. Creo que serán mejores como amigos. Nadie más ha estado involucrado, Paris y Benji fueron leales y fieles el uno al otro. Estuve con Paris en Miami, y Stavros vino a nuestra mesa y los dos hablaron literalmente durante dos minutos. Fue una conversación amistosa. Definitivamente no se liaron.Ella desearía que todo fuese distinto. Benji siempre la trató como a una princesa. Él es un gran chico con un gran corazón y ella le ama mucho. Tal vez en algún punto en el futuro los dos podrían volver a intentarlo, pero ahora mismo son simplemente demasiado distintos como personas."

No es lindo alegrarse de la ruptura de ninguna pareja pero si así la vieja Paris está de vuelta... bienvenida sea!


Paris Hilton and Benji have split up!

One of her reality show's contestants has cofirmed it:

"Sadly, it’s true. Paris and Benji have split. I love Paris, and I just want her to be happy. I think that they’ll be better as friends. Nobody else is involved, Paris and Benji were loyal and faithful to each other. I was with Paris in Miami, and Stavros came over to our table, and the two of them talked for literally two minutes. It was a friendly conversation. They definitely did not hook up.She wishes it could be different. Benji always treated her like his princess. He’s a really great guy with a big heart and she loves him very much. Maybe at some point in the future, the two of them could try again, but right now, they’re just too different as people."

It's not nice to be happy for a break-up but if this means that old Paris is back.. then she's welcome!

Próximamente notícias de... Leighton, Blake, Scarlett, Linds, Sam, Paris, Selena, Hayden y Taylor Swift
Next up news from... Leighton, Blake, Scarlett, Linds, Sam, Paris, Selena, Hayden & Taylor Swift

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

paris will be back with benjy, she'll be alright, i preffer her like the nicole-copy than the disaster of person she used to be.

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