13 December 2008

it was about time that tara went to rehab

Tara ha ingresado en rehab! Su representante lo ha confirmado diciendo:

"Tara Reid ha ingresado ella misma en el centro de tratamiento Promises. Apreciamos su respeto hacia la privacidad de ella y su família en estos momentos. Sus amigos y família apoyan su decisión."

Parece ser que pasará todas las fiestas de navidad en rehab, recientemente se la veía menos fiestera y recuperada de todo, pero tal vez ahora que está en un buen momento sea mejor lidiar con esos malos hábitos. Aunque ha tardado muchísimo en ir a rehab!


Tara is in rehab! Her rep has confirmed it saying:

“Tara Reid has checked herself into Promises Treatment Center. We appreciate your respect to her and her family’s privacy at this time. Her friends and family are supportive of her decision.”

It seems that she's going to spend all the holidays there, recently she was partying less and fully recovered but maybe now that she's in a good time it's better to deal with those bad habits. Though it took her a lot to go to rehab!

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